Thursday, March 13, 2008


Hi All,

If you haven't read the article about NIMBY in the Chronicle Herald, here's the link so you know what I'm talking about.

Now here's what I think. I have a severe case of NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) and I'm not ashamed, embarrassed, or afraid to admit it. The plain and simple fact is that I am opposed to strip mining on Boularderie Island for several reasons, the main one being that it directly affects my family. I can honestly say that if I still lived in HRM, I would have never protested against strip mining on Boularderie Island for the simple fact that it wouldn't DIRECTLY affect my family, my neighbours, and my community. Strip mining puts our water supply at risk, devastates the beauty of this island, and could possibly affect the health of my family. Why should I just sit by and let this happen?

If you think about it, don't we ALL have NIMBY, at least from time to time? We all are more concerned about local issues that directly affect us than issues that are further removed. I am sure that I do not have a case of CAVE (Citizens Against Virtually Everything). There are many things that I don't agree with or support but I don't actively oppose. There are many things that I also silently support, like the seal hunt, which I am sure is a shock to some people.

For example, I think that people from Bridgewater (that's only an example, I have nothing against the people of Bridgewater) would not be able to point to Boularderie Island on a map, let alone tell you of any local concerns or issues, or for that matter, events taking place. And with the exception that many people on Boularderie Island would know where Bridgewater is, the same can probably be said of Boularderie residents knowing the local Bridgewater news.

I also have a case of WIMBY (Want It In My Backyard). WIMBY causes me to help make positive changes in my community. This case of WIMBY causes my family to participate in local clean up efforts, volunteer in local schools and participate in and support local events.

Change begins at home and almost nothing would get done in a small community without the efforts of its citizens supporting it, or in some cases, opposing it. If local people don't stand up and express their thoughts and opinions on what takes place in their own communities, who will do it for them?

That's why I am not ashamed, embarrassed or afraid to admit that I have a case of NIMBY and a case of WIMBY.

Until next time,


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